Automated UT Weld Inspection

Automated UT Weld Inspection is a term with potentially multiple interpretations; it may refer to:

  • Various forms (mechanized and manual) of computer encoded UT weld inspections such as Phased Array (PA) and Time of Flight Tip Diffraction (TOFD)
  • Mechanized UT weld inspections
  • Routine weld inspections such as Advanced Ultrasonic Back Scatter and Spectrum Analysis (AUBT/ABSA)

KAOTHEEM has been serving the oil and gas, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, power generation, pipeline and potash industries since 2016.

As one of the indigenous NDT companies in Africa, we are owned and operated by our Highly Trained Employees and Team of Professionals, Inventors & Technologist Partners across the globe.

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Hull Yorkshire
United Kingdom



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